Monday, January 4, 2016

MHM (Must Have Mod): No Film Grain for Remember Me

I hate Film Grain. Any feature that makes a graphical image less clear is just... (shudder). I know sometimes there is a reason for it, like in Alien Isolation when the devs were trying to evoke that '80s sci-fi feel. But for a game like Remember Me? WHY?

Mods to the rescue!

I found a mod on Nexus whose only purpose is to completely remove the film grain from Remember Me. Here is the link:

Say hello to crisp visuals. Be sure to crank the anti-aliasing, though, because now jaggies are a lot more noticeable. A slight downside is that some textures are now very obviously low-res (like the merchandise in the market stalls in Slum 404), but that's a trade-off I'm willing to accept.

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